Question: What other ways can I order?
You can order online, at the school during days we are scheduled to be there, and in our store at 3336 Spring Stuebner Rd. Suite E Spring, TX 77389

Question: What information do I need to order my students cap & gown?
All you need is the student's height & weight.

Question: I need my students cap & gown early for pictures, can I come to the store and pick it up before delivery?
We do not hand cap & gowns out before delivery, you can always check with your school to see if they happen to have any they can loan you for pictures, or you can ask a friend or family member who has already graduated to borrow theirs.  Most photographers will most likely have a cap & gown ready for you to use.

Question: When will my student receive the items I purchased?
Klein Cain HS will receive their items November 20th; as long as you have your order in before October 1st.  All other schools normally do not start receiving their items until March or early April.

Question: My student is borrowing a gown from someone who has already graduated, what else do I need to buy them?
If you already have a gown that is awesome, then all you'll need to buy then is a cap & tassel.  The caps are $12.00 each and the tassels are $12.00 each.  These can be purchased in our store, or at cap & gown delivery.

Question: My son's cap is too tight on his head, what do I do?
As our caps are sized to fit most heads; sometimes we need that extra room. You can come into our office to trade the cap out for a larger one, or you can trade it out at graduation.